The fuseStarter i5 Principle is a 5-part series where we will explore and describe our trademarked website development principles.


As we described last time, what sets us at fuseStarter apart from others is that we are technicians and artists. Granted, it’s an odd mix, and according to many personality testing methods, being technical and creative are an exceptional case.

So, we are the exception.

We’ve crafted, through ongoing introspection and evaluation, a way to have creative freedom within a structure. This enables us to get things done efficiently and effectively. It maximizes our creative impact.

This structure we call our “i5 principle.” It’s our website design methodology. The i5 distills down to 5-points what we know to be key to delivering a great website.

In this 5-part blog series, we will cover these principles. The fifth and last is IGNITE.


i5: IGNITE – defn: arouse or inflame; catch fire or cause to catch fire

Finally, A great website will create energy – light the fuse, ignite, and expand the visitor’s business and passions. A spark is all you need!

Now that we’ve provided our website visitor with just the right information in the right amount (see i1 – INFORM), and created a level of respect, admiration, and legitimacy (see i2 – IMPRESS) ), and cultivated their interest to dive deeper (see i3 – INTRIGUE), and moved them to the path of action (see i4 – INCITE), we move to the last step, IGNITE!. 


By doing i1, i2, i3, and i4, we now are in H2H (human to human) phase, building and fostering the interpersonal relationship(s) that are vital to a business relationship. Knowing, understanding, and offering solutions and satisfactions to the client’s desires are what it’s all about!

Last time we emphasized the value at this phase of honesty. Making sure you can’t do what you’ve said. It is time now to ABC (always be closing), but that won’t matter in the long run if you aren’t also doing ABD (always be delivering)!

Consume and Engulf

As you come into a business relationship with the client, as you deliver on the promises made, you have an opportunity to add value to the client and the clients’ business.

So add value!

You can add more than what they’ve bought. But to do this, you must have that depth of relationship.

Ask yourself… if the client has a problem or an opportunity, am I on their short-list of people/companies to call? Am I top of mind for them? If not, then you are easy forgotten or replaced. You are on your way out and you don’t even know it. It’s only a matter of time. If you aren’t engaged with your client, your competition will be!

You need to be more than a vendor; you need to be a partner with your client. They need to think of you as a trusted friend, advisor, and provider. That’s a partner. Vendors are easily replaceable. Partners are not.

Be consuming. Engulf the client with your awesomeness and ability. Build the relationship continuously.

Is your client dependent on you? They should be.

Explode and Expand

Now that you’re reaping the harvest, it’s time to plant more and expand to additional pastures. Help the client to explode and expand their business and do the same with yours. In this partnership with the client, find how you can offer more value. Are there upsells, cross-sells, and other products and services you can offer?

In what ways can you work together? Explore ways that deepen and strengthen the business relationship. Can you make the client an affiliate? Can you offer each other referral business? Can you offer each other commissions? Who do you know that may benefit from your client’s offerings?

Make connections. Find common ground. Survey the landscape for ways to connect your client and build more relationships. Make introductions, you never know what might come from a simple conversation!

The bottom line now is to grow together, to be mutually beneficial and to keep it that way. To change together, to be active partners. To make your client need you. You need to be needed, or you will eventually not be needed!

You’ve spent much energy getting this client, make sure you have a plan to keep them. Any neglected relationship withers and dies. Any neglected partner may look elsewhere.

Whoever can better INFORM, IMPRESS, create INTRIGUE, INCITE, and IGNITE will win and keep the customer.

If you aren’t currently turning visitors to clients, call us! You are wasting your website and driving customers away. We can help you fix that!

Cleaning Up the Web, One Site at a Time

We’d love to help you create a website that works! We can help you maximize your website!

Our goal is to clean up the web, one site at a time.

Is your website one of the greats, or one that needs to be “cleaned up?

We are fast, affordable, and easy to work with. Give as a call and let’s see how we can help you out!